Reece Bath+Kitchen - Abilene

Reece Bath+Kitchen
1893 Industrial Blvd.
Abilene, TX 79602
(325) 690-6435
Showroom hours:
Monday-Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 1:00pm
Sunday: Closed
For premium bathroom and kitchen products and 5-star service, Reece Bath+Kitchen in Abilene is the place to go. Browse our selection bath and kitchen appliances and home goods to start your renovation today. Reece Bath+Kitchen can be found at 1893 Industrial Blvd, next to West Texas Discount Golf.
"Reece is based on Customer Service and Loyalty. We will stand behind our products and be here for you for any customer needs." - Showroom Manager
Ask a Designer or Expert
What are the disadvantages of a heat pump tumble dryer?
Heat pump tumble dryers are more expensive to purchase compared to other types of tumble dryers, despite a recent decrease in their price. - Clothes take longer to dry.
Can you use a rotisserie on a infrared grill?
Rotisserie cooking can be done on either type of grill, and the set-up is similar regardless of the grill. The meat is cooked by being heated from the sides.
What is a Trident burner?
This is a high-performance burner for outdoor kitchens. Lynx infrared burners utilize a gas-fueled flame that is directed through a ceramic element with small holes, creating heat. This differs from traditional burners which rely on a flame heating the surrounding air and subsequently cooking food.