Reece Bath+Kitchen - Austin

Reece Bath+Kitchen
6225 Burnet Rd.
Austin, TX 78757
(512) 454-4526
Showroom hours:
Monday-Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Sunday: Closed
For premium bathroom and kitchen products and 5-star service, Reece Bath+Kitchen in Austin is the place to go. Browse our selection bath and kitchen appliances and home goods to start your renovation today. Reece Bath+Kitchen can be found at 6225 Burnet Road, next to AutoZone Auto Parts store, CrossFit Central fitness center, and Century 21 real estate agency. Look for our store just past the 4568 6205 Burnet/Romeria bus stop near Asahi Imports Japanese grocery store.
"We have a knowledgeable, friendly staff with up to 18 years of experience. Clean and bright showroom where you can expect a one stop shop for all your Appliance, Plumbing and Hardware needs." - Showroom Manager
Ask a Designer or Expert
What is a dual fuel oven range?
Dual fuel stoves incorporate a gas cooktop and an electric oven, providing the benefits of both. Gas cooktops offer rapid heating and precise temperature regulation, while electric oven elements employ efficient temperature management patterns, making them ideal for baking.
What are the pros and cons of dual fuel ranges?
Gas cooktops offer greater heat control and responsiveness compared to electric stovetops. The even heat distribution in the oven reduces the need for frequent dish rotation. Additionally, the drier heat in the oven promotes a crispy, brown texture when broiling, roasting, or baking.
What are Kohler freestanding tubs made of?
Kohler tubs are available in enameled cast iron and acrylic, both of which are durable, stain resistant, and easy to clean, making them low maintenance.