Reece Bath+Kitchen - Irvine


Reece Bath+Kitchen

17138 Von Karman Ave.
Irvine, CA 92606
(949) 221-0600

Showroom hours:
Monday-Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 11:00am - 4:00pm
Sunday: Closed

For premium bathroom and kitchen products and 5-star service, Reece Bath+Kitchen in Irvine is the place to go. Browse our selection bath and kitchen appliances and home goods to start your renovation today. Reece Bath+Kitchen can be found at 17138 Von Karman Avenue, next to the Rize Irvine apartment complex. Look for our store near across the street from the Rogerson Aircraft Corporation.

"At Reece we strive to bring our customers the best user experience through our Beautiful Showrooms, Quality Products, Planning expertise, Installation and Sales services." - Showroom Manager

Ask a Designer or Expert

What is a lav faucet?

A lavatory faucet is a two-handle faucet. One handle controls hot water, and the other controls cold. Temperature adjustments are made by controlling the volume of water flowing through each water line with the handles. The faucet's base connects to the hot and cold water lines on each side.

What are Emtek pulls made of?

Emtek brass products are made of an alloy consisting of copper and zinc, known as brass. This material is highly regarded in a market where lower quality alloys are becoming more common. Emtek brass products may resemble other, less expensive products, however they offer superior finish, strength and longevity.

Where are Emtek products made?

Emtek's production process involves sourcing components globally and assembling them upon order at their production facility located 20 minutes from downtown Los Angeles.