Reece Bath+Kitchen - San Diego

Reece Bath+Kitchen
7550 Miramar Rd.
Suite 500
San Diego, CA 92126
+1 (858) 433-9200
Showroom hours:
Monday-Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 2:00pm
Sunday: Closed
Whether you're starting a new build or remodeling your home, Reece Bath+Kitchen in San Diego has everything you need for your bathroom and kitchen projects. Located next to House and Harmony Interior Design Studio, Reece Bath+Kitchen can be found at 7550 Miramar Road near Pharm Pharmacy.
"Reece: Quality products. Quality service." - Showroom Manager
Ask a Designer or Expert
How do freestanding baths drain?
The process of plumbing a freestanding bath is similar to plumbing a regular bathtub. It involves connecting a waste in the front to the drain pipe and connecting the hot and cold water pipes to the tub or shower.
Do you need to tile around a freestanding tub?
Tiling around a freestanding tub is not required, but if the tub is against a wall, measures should be taken to protect the wall from water damage. One option to achieve this is using tile, although it is not the only option available.
How do I know what model Delta shower valve I have?
The model number can be found on the packaging, some faucets, and all installation instructions that come with your faucet. When looking at the packaging, check for it near the UPC code or at the top of the box.